Sunday, September 18, 2005

Phone lines

I have been very scarce of late due to a phone line that goes bad after a few minutes of use. A call to Bell South hasn't fixed the problem. The technician found a good working phone line when here. As a mechanic I can relate to that! I am using our second line to post this while wife isn't working on it. I hope The landscaping I did over the last two weeks didn't hurt the line. Cable is headed our way, and I am hopeful that we will get high speed internet. Should know in a week or two. Thanks to our friend Bob, and The Texas State Guard for helping the victims of Katrina. Thanks also to our friends up north for supporting the Red Cross. On the recent bombings in Iraq, I would remind everyone that yes, you are your brothers keeper. One cannot make those car bombs without someone seeing and knowing something. This puts the blood of the innocents on the hands of those that did nothing to stop this outrage. There are days in every life when it seems pointless to go on, but go on we must. Lend a thought, prayer, or hand when you can, and smooth the road for all that follow.

Friday, September 09, 2005


No TV tonight, I've had enough death and destruction. Fall has come to the midlands of South Carolina, bringing Browns and reds, and Forrest smells. Temps in the mid eighties by day and upper sixties at night The grass has slowed a bunch and I will not have to mow this weekend. This is good as I'm spending ten hours at the boyscout camp Saturday. Who Knows, I may be the elusive Snipe! :) Grant us peace Lord, and watch over us, one and all and keep us.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

New Orleans

I have been watching the debate over whether to rebuild the city or not with much interest.
It seems to me that the answer is very simple. I have seen many things in my life, some that I wish I had never seen. Some things inspire me forever. Logic would tell us that no coastal city should be below sea level. Logic is right. Now for the other side of the coin.
New Orleans is far more than a place that is home for a few hundred thousand souls. It is the home of a type of culture that doesn't exist outside of that area. You can hear good jazz anywhere, but it sounds better in preservation hall! Always will. You can't hear good delta blues outside the delta, period! You gotta smell it and taste it! The food comes from what is available there. Won't work in New York. I offer you a simple analogy. I and many of you would pay good money for our friend Diane's art. Why? Because it speaks to our souls. (It should as it comes from her soul) The food the music, the very way of life speaks to my soul. If it doesn't speak to yours..........You weren't listening.