Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Baby

Last night I went to see my baby. It was her graduation night. A year late and a pile of tears but it's finished. She like her sister is a rare beauty, though hers is only outward. I have no more words for this my estranged daughter, all has been said. We don't speak and may never. I hope she finds her way in this world; with truth and honor to guide her. I doubt it. My heart breaks for all that could have been, and all that was lost. I see the bad choices and the bad people around you child but I pray you remain gods grace and gods promise as I have named you. I love you!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fair Tax

So I went to a political rally for the first time at the suggestion of friend and reader of this Blog, Don. Last night in Columbia SC there was a debate between the hopefuls of the Republican party for president of this great land. They held it at The Koger Center for the performing arts. It is on the campus of The University of South Carolina. Across the street is The Carolina Coliseum. An old Basket Ball arena. On this night the old barn was full of tax reform minded people led by Neal Boortz and friend Sean Hannity. If you know Columbia at all you know that parking in the downtown area is nonexistent so I was expecting a major challenge to attend the event. Not so! About a mile up the road is the State Fairgrounds and Williams Bryce stadium. Lots of parking there! The folks at Fair Tax had a fleet of tour buses running back and forth all night. Never had to wait more then ten minutes for a ride. Mrs. C and I got to the coliseum with little trouble. Once inside we received a free T shirt and ball cap. We then proceded to our seats and found the signs that you see in the pic above. There was a rock band playing on the stage and the place was about two thirds to three quarters full! We got to hear from some of the candidates before the debate across the street. Tom Tancredo, Mike Huckabee, and Duncan Hunter. Hunter is going to receive my vote in the primary. I've known this for a bit but was still impressed with his knowledge of trade and immigration issues. Truth told we wouldn't do bad with any of those three as President. Other speakers were John Stossel of ABC 20 20, Ken Hoagland of Fair Tax, Neal Boortz and his half wit friend Sean Hannity. I was kinda surprised that the media didn't give the rally more time, as big as it was. After a while Neal led a march across the street to the debate in a show of force for the Fair Tax. It was about that time that I had to go home and to sleep and all. I will tell you that I learned a lot and am now a supporter of the Fair Tax. I learned at the rally that Michigan is trying to pass the Fair Tax on a State level. If anyone is interested in the Fair Tax you can follow the link I put in above....if it works... ;) If not then Google Fair Tax, it's what I did.

Update.... Fair Tax emailed me and said there were 8000 plus at the rally. They will have pics and video up in a few days. I didn't provide any because my home connection is dial up.